Hey there fabulous readers! Our sincere prayer is that God blesses you tremendously, uplift your spirits and hearken your hearts to HIM!

I read this article in the Washington Post newspaper by Patrick Welsh today, and just had to write about it. It was an article about African-American children, especially males, not having their fathers there to support them as they make their way through school. I found the article to be very interesting and it touched on a very important, yet sensitive part of children growing up in single parent households. I should first mention that this is not a bash against any man, African-American or any other race, because God made him and I appreciate all that God created. This is about an article review and my own personal testimony.

Let me first say that my dad was not around initially when I was growing up and we did not reconnect until I was 21, and I turned out OK; I think. We have a fabulous relationship through the love of God now, and it has certainly made up for many lost years. I am thankful to God for restoring our relationship in a way that only He could accomplish. Personally, I think that it is critical for any child to have both parents in the household, regardless of their race. I missed having that male figure around and sought acceptance and guidance from my older brothers and other males outside of my immediate home. This is not to say that I desperately needed that acceptance, but I wanted something I did not have, and that was a full family. Now my mom and grandma did a great job of rearing my siblings and me. I thank God everyday for them, but there was something missing that they could not give me and that was my father.

Now listen, I know some parents rear their children as single parents for various reasons; I reared my two as a single parent for a while. However, when fathers can be there to help raise their children, they should be. I am not a man and I cannot speak for a man, but I can speak from someone who was once a child and longed for her father’s love and presence. Children need their fathers! This article talks about the importance of fathers being in the home to help discipline and teach their children the right way to go. The bible tells us in Proverbs 22:6 to “train up a child in the way he should go: when he is old, he will not depart from it.” I am not saying that a woman cannot train her children, but it is nice when fathers are there to help do it.

The article touches on that very importance of men being in the home to help rear children, teach them the importance of education, getting good grades, for boys to be a real man and for girls to demand respect and be treated as such. I personally thought it was a great article. Of course, it is my own personal opinion and we all have one, but check it out for yourself here and you be the judge.

Yours in Christ

The Lovable Wife


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