This is officially "Holy Week" across the world. This is a time where Christians, Jews and those that observe the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ celebrate. Yesterday marked the beginning of "Holy Week" with the celebration of "Palm Sunday." OK, so maybe you don't know what it means, but it marked the time that Jesus rode through the streets on a colt, with His followers praising Him for being the "King of the Jews." It is also important to note that most of those same people that praised Him on "Palm" Sunday, were the same ones that sought to have Him crucified by Friday! It certainly puts our life in perspective.

Anyway, we couldn't help but reflect on all of the sacrifices that we believe Jesus made for us. We will never truly know the extent of the pain and suffering that He endured, but it is important to know that we are here today because of His goodness, mercy and agape Love.

It is important that on this week, as well as beyond, that we pray for radical God- inspired change in our lives and the lives of those throughout the world. We need change in our finances, change in our marriage; change in being parents, change on our jobs and change in how we connect with others and wins souls to Christ!


On this "Holy" week, take time to reflect on the goodness of Jesus and all He has done for YOU. Allow Him to use you for His Glory and to do His perfect will in your life!

Have A Be Blessed Week!!!

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NubianLockedPrincess said...

He Has Risen! He is good all the time! Thank you for sharing my birthday! May God continue to bless you and yours!


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